Devotion of the Day


He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.
John 15:5

Why do so few Christians do business for God in daily public life? Because they do no business with Him in private devotional life. When people do not mean business with Christ in their hearts they will not do business for Christ with their hands. Too often there has been mental acceptance of a proposition without heart surrender to a Person. There has been a superficial profession: The Word has been heard and even received with joy, but there has been “no root.” Or there has been a superficial dedication, like the son in the parable, who said, “I go, sir,” but did not show up in the vineyeard. If all who have “volunteered” to be missionaries had gone the world would have been evangelized.

When we really abide in Christ we bring forth much fruit. Alas, many branches will be cast into the fire and burned. If we are truly “with” Him we will gather for Him (Mt. 12:30).

Those who mean business with Him do business for Him. When we abide we abound.

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