Quote of the Day

A ten-dollar bill got into circulation and did a lot of good. It helped buy coal for a needy old woman, helped buy medicine for a sick child, and showed up in the collection plate at church one Sunday. Then it fell into the hands of a bank teller who spotted it as a counterfeit. The test is not how many good deeds you claim to your credit, but rather, can you pass inspection in the sight of God?

Quote of the Day

Barnabas was the Friend of the Suspected. When the Christians were fearful of Paul, the new convert, Barnabas recommended him to the brethren. When Antioch was moved under the preaching of the gospel, Barnabas was sent to investigate and make sure it was authentic. When Paul was for dropping John Mark as a companion, Barnabas took him and he turned out all right after all. There is a lot of suspicion among the brethren these days and we need more than one Barnabas.