Choosing Your Angel
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
Hebrews 1:14.
Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. II Corinthians 11:14.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God. I John 4:1.
Angels ministered to Jesus, they minister for the saints, they minister to little children. But Satan goes about as a Mock Angel and does more harm in that pose than as a roaring lion. Again he comes as the Accuser and whispers insinuations which harassed believers imagine proceed from themselves. Christian in Pilgrim’s Progress was grievously beset in the Valley by such a spirit. Satan can produce a false conviction and we may mistake his voice for that of God’s Spirit. In such a dark and dismal state many harassed souls fancy they have lost their salvation or have committed the unpardonable sin.
We are commanded to test such voices by the Word of God. We need not walk in such company. Submitting first to God, we must resist the devil, bidding him in the name of Christ to depart.
Do not take up with the wrong spirit. Satan apes God, and we must not be ignorant of his devices. While on your guard against the Roaring Lion, do not be deceived by the Mock Angel!