With or Against?
He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
Matthew 12:30
It is not correct to ask, “What will you do with Jesus?” Rather, the issue is, “What are you doing about Him now?” There is no neutral ground. We are with Him or against Him. And we gather or scatter.
There are no “inactive” church members. A Negro pastor whose flock numbered one hundred was asked how many active members he had. “One hundred,” he replied; “Fifty active for me and fifty active against me.”
It is not possible to be inwardly and secretly for Christ without being active for Him. “I never work at my religion, but I am not against Christ.” Yes, you are. If you are not gathering you are scattering. If you are not working in some way with the Great Gatherer, winning souls and fishing for men, you are an instrument of division, opposed to the only true unifying force in the universe.
Gatherers and scatterers – it comes down to that, and there are only two kinds of people. The first half of our verse sets forth the real issue today – “with me, against me” – Christ or Antichrist. And we are either Christians or Anti-christians, not just non-Christians.
Are you with Him or against Him? If you gather not with Him you scatter abroad.