Devotion of the Day


There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass.
Joshua 21:45

In recounting the goodness of God to Israel, Joshua tells us that the Lord gave them the Promised Land Justas He had said He would. Joshua repeats it in an address to the people (23:14). Solomon said it in like fashion years later (I Kgs. 8:56).

If you will survey the path already trod you will say so too. “There hath failed not ought of any good thing God has spoken…all came to pass.” If it hasn’t, it will. He which hath begun a good work in us will finish it. He will perfect that which concerneth us.

It ought to fill our hearts with thanksgiving, our eyes with tears and our lips with praise, for “the goodness of God leadeth to repentance.”

“There failed not ought…” But how we have failed Him!

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