Devotion of the Day


I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.
Revelation 3:1

The prodigal was dead but came alive (Lk. 15:24). So it is with all who believe (Rom. 6:13). The Sardis church was alive but dead. It had a name to live, but Jesus had another name for it. The name we have for ourselves is not always what our Lord calls us. You say you have eternal life. Does God say so? Not every one who calls Him Lord, Lord, is known of Him. Some Christians seem active enough, but it is not the vitality of the spirit, it is only the vivacity of religious flesh. And how many busy churches are called live churches, while the Lord looks on and says, “Thou art dead.” Does Jesus say that yours is a live church? How does it look to Him? Mere activity does not deceive Him.

“She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.” She may be animated and really get around, but God says “dead.” And a lot of go-getter Christians and churches draw no better word from Him who looks on the heart.

Are you one who was once dead and now lives, or do you seem to live but are dead?

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