Devotion of the Day


If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord…
Romans 10:9

In his journal, John Wesley tells us that, a few days after Aldersgate, he awoke with “Jesus, Master” in his heart and in his mouth. The true believer acknowledges Jesus not only as His Saviour but as Lord of his life. We have a strange species of believer these days, a believer who confesses Christ as Saviour but whose life rejects Him as Master. The New Testament presents no such anomaly as a Christian who “takes” Christ now for salvation and defers obeying Him as Lord until later, maybe never. The initial confession set forth in our text is “Jesus As Lord.”

If this were made clear to our “prospects” these days, and if they understood that a believer is also expected to be a disciple and a witness, it might drive away some, but we would not be embarrassed by a host of church members who call Him Lord, Lord, and do not His commandments.

John Wesley started right with “Jesus, Master” in His heart as well as in his mouth.

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