Devotion of the Day


Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.
John 1:29

We often hear these days the question, “What is the world coming to?” It is an interesting subject and most of the discussion relieves the speakers but not the situation. The chief theme of the Gospel is not what the world is coming to but rather the One who has come to the world.

It is also very popular now to behold the sin of the world. There never was more of it and it never was more evident. But John the Baptist was pointing out the cure for sin, the Lamb who came to take it away.

Of course, there is a very real sense in which men need to see their sin and themselves to be sinners. There had not been enough preaching on sin with that in view. But the Gospel is Good News that the problem of our sin finds its answer in the person of God’s Son. He has been made sin – not a sinner or sinful, but sin – for us, though He knew no sin, that we might be made righteousness of God in Him.

Let us not be so taken up with beholding the sin of the world that we do not behold Him who came to take it away.

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