Devotion of the Day

God’s Geography

He brought me forth also into a large place.
Psalm 18:19

It may be only a pin-point on the map but if it is the Lord’s place for us, it is a large place. God’s geography does not read like ours. His ways are not our ways and His standards of greatness and success are foolish to this world. An obscure country church, even the bedroom of an invalid, may be a great place if it is the place of His will and lit with His presence.

And anywhere we may go, it is a large place if God be with us.

To me remains nor place nor time;
My country is in every clime;
I can be calm and free from care
On any shore, since God is there.
Madame Guyon found that God makes the place. Watch your harassed tourist trying to get away from it all. Alas, it matters not where he goes, he has to take himself along and there lies the problem. But

All scenes alike engaging prove
To souls impressed with sacred love.
Blessed is he who travels by God’s geography. With him a stone pillow in a strange land may mark the house of God and the gate to heaven.