Devotion of the Day


And he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God.
Exodus 3:1

Consider again where Moses met God at the end of his forty-year postgraduate course in Midian. In the unlikeliest place and at the unlikeliest time God brings us to the Great Moment. Moses, the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, brought up in the courts of Egypt, had known more glamorous days than now, a shepherd in a desert. But the big day and the hallowed spot, however drab and ordinary on calendar or map, are the time and place when we meet God and do business with Him.

There may not be even a burning bush. And God may not reward with an immediate evidence of His presence and power. But the man who has come to God honestly and simply and humbly, with no reservations, offering a willing heart, feeling or no feeling, that man has reached his Horeb, and though he be on the backside of a desert, he is also at the mountain of God.

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