Waiting For A Kingdom
A good man…who also himself waited for the kingdom of God.
Luke 23:50, 51
Some of us are looking for a better day. We are waiting for that time when God’s kingdom shall come, when His will shall be done on earth as in heaven. We seek a country. We are strangers and pilgrims on this earth. We are not at home here. Our citizenship is in heaven.
I know it looks to some as though the Kingdom were nowhere near. It must have been a dark day for Joseph of Arimathea when he laid away the body of Jesus. It looked like the devil had everything going his way. But far from it! Redemption’s work had been finished, and the resurrection was only a few hours away!
Throughout this wretched world more hearts are waiting for the Kingdom than we imagine. All other kingdoms are coming to an end. More than one patient Joseph of Arimathea is humbly carrying on. Lift up your heads, all ye who desire a better country. When things look darkest to the world, they look brightest to the Christian. Our King is coming back!
What better thing could be said of any mortal than this: “A good man…who also himself waited for the kingdom of God”?